Nintendo Direct Predictions – July 20th?

  So, at this point, the Nintendo Direct rumour is in everyone’s mind’s so I want to write about my own shitty predictions for the Nintendo Direct or Nintendo Direct Mini. There are obviously a lot of things that we expect at this point from the direct like the Mario collection which I have my own take on how they’ll handle it. I do think it’s a full Nintendo Direct, not a mini like some people think it is and I think they’ll announce it Sunday morning. If they don’t, don’t be surprised if they just dropped a mini on their youtube channel.

Nintendo's Mario Switch Remasters Will Be 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy

 So first of all, the Mario Anniversary stuff. The collection will be HD remaster of Sunshine and Galaxy with 64 being a remake that focuses on a new art style and graphics. This will release in November to December for the holiday. I also think that there will be DLC that they’ll announce next year that will add Galaxy 2 to the collection. We will also see 3D World receive the deluxe treatment with it being ported to the Switch with extra levels and has Yoshi as a new playable character. The port will be released in September so it doesn’t overlap with the collection. What would be funnier is if Nintendo didn’t release the collection out of spite and gave us a collection of all the Mario Tennis games. 

Zelda: Breath Of The Wild 2 Trailer: Theories, Breakdown, And More ...

 Next on the list is a Breath of the Wild 2 trailer that shows gameplay with cooperative play as the main feature in the gameplay. We’ll also see new cities, areas to explore and also a huge story. I think this is how they end the direct with the Mario collection being the middle of the Direct. The game will also receive a 2021 release date that will probably be pushed to a 2024 release date in the future. 

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 They’re big opener is a 2D Metroid game that will be coming in the first half of 2021. We did see a rumour at the beginning of the year that a Paper Mario and 2D Metroid is coming this year for Nintendo and since we did get Paper Mario, I’m led to believe a 2D Metroid is in development but was pushed back to 2021. It’s kinda funny how two Metroid games are going to be released before Metroid Prime 4 even though it’s actually not funny, just sad.

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 Those will be the big headlines for this direct and they will also announce a couple third party games that I don’t really want to predict since it’s pretty hard to predict what third party games are in directs without rumours. I think that Persona 5 Scramble will receive a trailer, same with No More Heroes 3 with an October release date. We will also see Bravely Default receive the October or December release date. Then we will see a Pikmin 3 port to the switch with no Pikmin 4 confirmations despite the fact that Pikmin 4 seems to have a longer development cycle than Breath of the Wild. 

Remember the amazing Kid Icarus: Uprising with some My Nintendo ...

 Now, I’m going to spout off a bunch of dumb predictions that won’t happen but if they do happen, I’ll look like an absolute genius. First, is a Kid Icarus Uprising HD remaster and it’ll give us the capability to play Kid Icarus without losing all our nerves in our left hand. Then, there’s going to be 3D Kirby game that doesn’t receive a release date but will get a gameplay trailer and it’ll look really generic like Star Allies. Last but definitely not least, we’ll receive DLC for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe where we’ll see Kirby as a playable character along side Diddy Kong and Funky Kong. 

Funky And Dixie Kong Have Both Joined Mario Kart Tour - GameSpot

 I’m probably wrong for the majority of my predictions but I’m sure that whatever happens, we’ll be disappointed since that’s a gamer’s favourite thing to do, be disappointed. I would love to hear what your predictions are in comments.


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